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Volunteer Opportunities


If you have been curious about where to plug in and serve, this tool will alert you to opportunities to "do what you love to fight what you hate". Tasks included on this board are regularly scheduled services that keep doors open to the vulnerable in our community to tasks that are needed to meet an immediate, specific need. All tasks provide our volunteers with an opportunity to further the mission to reflect the grace of God to victims and survivors of sex trafficking. 


August 2024

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Client Support

Hotline training: Contact us at

Hotline: For those who have had hotline training. The date on signup indicates the first day of the weekend needing service. 

Kids Klub: Thursday evenings, 5:30 - 8:00 pm, play, supervise crafts, and present a prepared Bible lesson to preschoolers.

Kids Meals: Provide a healthy meal and snack for six preschoolers.

Client Meals: Provide a warm meal for 12 adult women for the Reflections and Recovery class on Thursday nights.

Sign up on the Volunteer calendar above for individual dates.

Esther's Home

Construction clean-up and assistance: Continuous construction means frequent clean-up. Pick a weekly time slot when you can be available with a broom or hammer to assist with small jobs, and we will contact you as needed.

Esther's Home Cleaning Team: The home will need a regular cleaning team crew. Cleaning team members will be assigned dates, usually once a month, to do routine cleaning and attend monthly meetings.

Equestrian Team: We need multiple volunteers to care for our new four-legged residents. 

  • Help with the care of the horses, including nightly and weekend care.
  • Help residents learn to care for the horses. 
  • Provide Equine Therapy to the residents.


Prayer Team: We can not do this without the support that can only come through prayer. While we appreciated being lifted up in prayer by so many, those on the prayer team are updated with weekly requests. Because we serve the most vulnerable, there is a major responsibility for team members to respect our clients' stories and keep items confidential. Therefore, we require an added level of engagement and accountability from those on the team. We ask that team members sign a Prayer Team Ministry Description that describes responsibilities and expectations. Contact the Volunteer Coordinator to learn more. 

Office Support

Social Media Team: Create content and keep posts current on social media sites.

Grant Writer: Support Mirror Ministries by writing, researching, and editing grants.

Cleaning Team

Our cleaning team could use another hand.

Maintenance Team

Handyman Services: Please leave your name and available times. 

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