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Join Mirror Ministries in raising $10,000 to help local victims of sex trafficking

Mirror Ministries recently launched a crowd funding campaign on WeRaise to raise at least $10,000 that will go toward supporting a second advocate and our survivor services programs where we directly help local victims of sex trafficking in Tri-Cities, Washington.

Help us help even more victims of sex trafficking by donating to our campaign at–Victims-and-Survivors-of-Sex-Trafficking. Our deadline for raising funds is Aug. 31, 2017.

Reflecting God’s Grace to Victims and Survivors of Sex Trafficking from Mirror Ministries on Vimeo.

The number of human trafficking survivors we continue to help has risen dramatically in the past year, which made hiring a second advocate crucial this year. On average, we help an average of 25 clients per week and have an extended list of more than 80 clients that we reach out to who may not be quite ready for our services.

We are incredibly grateful for the generous community members who have continued to support us from our early beginnings to now, and we kindly thank our generous contributors who have donated to our campaign so far. Please help us help even more victims right here in the Tri-Cities!

God bless!

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